Swimming - Room 6
In term one Room 6 will be doing swimming for their PE lessons all term. We are swimming every day on even numbered weeks - 2,4,6,8 and 10. Mr Bach will be focusing mainly on the freestyle swimming technique - leg and arm action, breathing, body position etc. He will also cover a little of the other styles. Room 6 in 2014 are proving to be an enthusiastic bunch of swimmers with all time records for Mr Bach for 'number of children' swimming on 4 of the 5 swimming days in week 2 (between 25 & 28 children in the pool). This makes for a busy pool but ensures most children are getting quality time on swimming instruction. All the children seem to be confident in the water, which is the first key step to learning to swim well. They are also all on their way to becoming good freestyle swimmers and some already have the technique sussed. Please continue to make sure your child brings their togs every day on even numbered weeks.
If the children use their listening ears, and do well during the instruction, they get 5 minutes free time at the end, before the next class arrives. If they are extra good, Mr Bach will let them use the big foam mattress, which most children adore playing with en masse.
Others choose to have some quiet time alone or to play more sedate games in 2s or 3s with foam tubes and boards (see below).
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