Current Weekly Notices

  • Thanks to all parents and children for a wonderful and successful year in Room 6. I wish you all a Merry Xmas and a prosperous New Year.
  • Classroom orientation for next year after lunch Monday 15th December.
  • thursday 18th December - School finishes 12:00 midday
  • Thursday 18th December - Year 6 missioning 11:00am.
  • Wednesday 17th December - Prizegiving 9am.
  • Wednesday 17th December - Thanksgiving Mass 5.30 Church
  • Mrs Tootill says Please remember to bring non-perishable food for the Young Vinnie's food drive.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Frogs, Tadpoles, Caterpillars and Monarch Butterflies

Frogs, Tadpoles, Caterpillars and Monarch Butterflies

If you walk into Room 6 at the beginning of any year you are likely to see both Bell Frog tadpoles and Monarch Butterfly caterpillars. Room 6 children can then follow these small living things through their two separate metamorphoses into adults. It is interesting to see the Monarch caterpillars, which are insects, hatch from tiny eggs into minute caterpillars that get 2700 bigger in a couple of weeks before hanging up, spinning a cocoon and turning into a chrysalis, from which the butterfly emerges. Tadpoles grow quickly on high energy flaky fish food and begin changing into froglets by growing first back, then front legs. Once a froglet the tail shrinks rapidly until the small young frog is formed. The children are fascinated by these creatures and their life cycles. At the moment we have about 20 chrysalises hanging from a string or the ceiling waiting to hatch. We will soon also have lots of tadpoles turning into baby frogs. There are too many to keep so I will either be releasing the frogs into appropriate waterways, or children may take one home if they have parents permission. Encouraging children to become aware of the beauties of nature when the opportunity arises can be a great learning experience and can really hook them into learning more.  

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