Current Weekly Notices

  • Thanks to all parents and children for a wonderful and successful year in Room 6. I wish you all a Merry Xmas and a prosperous New Year.
  • Classroom orientation for next year after lunch Monday 15th December.
  • thursday 18th December - School finishes 12:00 midday
  • Thursday 18th December - Year 6 missioning 11:00am.
  • Wednesday 17th December - Prizegiving 9am.
  • Wednesday 17th December - Thanksgiving Mass 5.30 Church
  • Mrs Tootill says Please remember to bring non-perishable food for the Young Vinnie's food drive.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Middle School Humble Rice Lunch

  Middle School Humble Rice Lunch

Last Wednesday March 26th the middle school staff and students had a bowl of plain cooked rice for lunch. This was in recognition of those numerous children around the world who are less fortunate than us, and who only have one bowl of rice per day to eat. We asked for a gold coin donation from families to raise money for church organisations that aid the needy in the poorest countries.

When you are hungry a plain bowl of rice is actually delicious.
 Children were allowed more than one bowl if they were still hungry, but we just asked them to remember that the poor children from needy countries don't have this option.

We got great help from the teacher aides and some parents who prepared the rice and served it.

Poppy as enthusiastic as ever about everything.

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