Current Weekly Notices

  • Thanks to all parents and children for a wonderful and successful year in Room 6. I wish you all a Merry Xmas and a prosperous New Year.
  • Classroom orientation for next year after lunch Monday 15th December.
  • thursday 18th December - School finishes 12:00 midday
  • Thursday 18th December - Year 6 missioning 11:00am.
  • Wednesday 17th December - Prizegiving 9am.
  • Wednesday 17th December - Thanksgiving Mass 5.30 Church
  • Mrs Tootill says Please remember to bring non-perishable food for the Young Vinnie's food drive.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Key competencies

 Key Competencies

As part of a general education, the New Zealand curriculum requires the teaching, learning and practising of five key competencies. The one Mr. Bach emphasises the most to students, as the key to all learning, is Self Management. Some students aren't learning because they struggle to focus, listen, carry out instructions, work independently for periods of time or understand the concept of time and place for different activities in life. The other four key competencies are Participating and contributing,  Relating to others, Thinking and Using Language Symbols and Texts.
Above - Room 6 show good self management skills during assembly.

Right and Below -
Room One students display the key competency of Participating and Contributing by taking part in assembly.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Holidays are over

Spring Holiday Fun

Mr Bach thoroughly enjoyed his break and despite the strong winds was able to catch a few trout, including the 10lb monster on the left from the Ohau Channel. The fishing season opened on October 1st for many spots around Rotorua and the weather has at least been warmer. Mr Bach is all refreshed and ready to attack a last term for 2014. Hopefully children are also rested and ready to learn some more. There are some children who are so close to achieving at the national standard and one more term's concerted effort could be all they need to get there.