Current Weekly Notices

  • Thanks to all parents and children for a wonderful and successful year in Room 6. I wish you all a Merry Xmas and a prosperous New Year.
  • Classroom orientation for next year after lunch Monday 15th December.
  • thursday 18th December - School finishes 12:00 midday
  • Thursday 18th December - Year 6 missioning 11:00am.
  • Wednesday 17th December - Prizegiving 9am.
  • Wednesday 17th December - Thanksgiving Mass 5.30 Church
  • Mrs Tootill says Please remember to bring non-perishable food for the Young Vinnie's food drive.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Sports BOP

 Sports Bay of Plenty

Sports BOP runs a lot of programmes in schools designed to teach children basic movement skills and/or skills for specific sports, such as tennis, soccer, rugby and netball. These sessions are a great addition to the school's PE programme and also allow teachers to get ideas for their own programmes. These photos of room 6 and 5 are from an indoor session at the end of last term, promoting athletics skills.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Welcoming our new Pupils to St Mary's

 Welcoming New Pupils

At our end of term mass we once again welcomed new pupils and their families to St Mary's School. Particularly because we are a Special Character School it is important to welcome all new families to the school and to our local Catholic Parish. Because we are already in church for mass we are able to get Father to welcome everyone with a special blessing.