Classroom Computing Devices
In Room 6 at St Mary's we are very lucky, because like most other classes, we have a wide range of devices available to us for computing and connecting to the Internet specifically. We have an interactive whiteboard that has a new very bright projector powering it for class modelling and discussions. We have 6 standard n-computing monitors connected to one hub and two mac books that can be taken anywhere around the room. And we also have 5 i-Pads that can also connect to the Internet and have many apps that allow the practising of skills learnt. Middle school classes this year on top of this have a pod of 15 chromebooks available in a trolley for one classes use at a time. When Mr. Bach started at St Mary's we had one computer terminal at the back of the room, which didn't work very well. We are indeed very fortunate even before we start considering the possibilities with the introduction of byod (bring-your-own-device) at some time in the near future.